ND Pride Netherlands

Welcome at Neurodiversity Pride Day Netherlands! 

Neurodiversity Pride Day Netherlands is made by and for all neurodivergents and their allies. Everybody, of every neurotype, is welcome to join the celebration. 

ND Pride Leiden met bondgenoten
ND Pride Enschede
ND Pride Leiden met bondgenoten

Neurodiversity Pride Day is the annual day of pride on June 16 celebrating all neurodivergent people, created by NDs for NDs and those allies, friends, neuroinclusive organizations and familymembers who love us.

This year, it is being celebrated for the 7th time, in twelve countries around the world.

About Neurodiversity Pride Day

The day was founded in the Netherlands and has been coordinated by the dutch Neurodiversity Foundation and supported by many non-profit organizations and neurodivergent volunteers.

Our long-term goal is to get accepted by the United Nations to become part of the World Calendar, so every neurodivergent worldwide has a official day each year to celebrate their own uniqueness with pride.

On this page, you can read about whats happening in the Netherlands, by clicking on the city-images, or buttons above.

What Do We Celebrate?

The uniqueness of our neurodivergent brains and the added value of neurodiversity in society. The term neurodiversity refers to the different ways in which brains function, perceive, and understand the world. It recognizes and appreciates the strengths and abilities that arise from different neurotypes. People with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, DCD, gifted individuals, etc., all possess unique qualities and, in their diversity, make the world a better place. Additionally, it advocates for providing support and accommodations to neurodivergent individuals so they can function in a society that is tailored to the majority. Neurodiversity Pride Dayy is a beautiful, positive day where we highlight the good aspects of neurodiversity and neurodivergence. The core of the day is for neurodivergent people to take a moment to reflect positively on themselves, making it an annual tradition. Activities are organized around this core. Neurodiversity Pride Day was started in 2018 by the Neurodiversity Foundation, initiated by the neurodivergent community itself in collaboration with volunteers and supporting organizations. Over the years, the day to celebrate all neurodivergents, has grown increasingly larger, as we are getting ready for the United Nations.

We warmly invite you to join in the celebration!

ND Pride Belgium

How to Participate

There are many ways to participate in Neurodiversity Pride Day and ND Pride Week, besides the activity programs in 12 Dutch Cities. On this page a summary of activities. You can also have a look at other options on the activity page with ideas for  neurodivergent people, for ND friends, and for neuroinclusive organizations or companies.

For dutch-speaking families, we have a special action this year, called “FamiLIEFDE“. 

How to support

We are actively working on organizing a unique program for Dutch neurodivergents and their allies, and we could really use your help.

For instance, by sharing information about the day and the activities, attending the flag raising ceremony, organizing additional events, participating in the online program with speakers, providing extra practical support on the days themselves, sharing expertise and personal experiences—any form of support is welcome!

If you’d like to lend your support, please contact the ND Pride team.

Dutch & International Keynote Speakers 

Dutch & International Speakers of Neurodiversity Pride 2024


Program ND Pride Week – Netherlands |  10 – 17 June 2024

City Activities.

ND Pride Leiden

There are three days of activities in the largest event in the Netherlands in Leiden with speakers, fun activities, an artexpo, experts and so much more organized for neurodivergent individuals and their allies. Also the municipal government and universities are organizing activities. 

  • June 14, 15 & 16th
  • For the full program, click the city button
ND Pride Leiden met bondgenoten

ND Pride Groningen

There is a full day of activities in the big event in Groningen, with speakers, musical performances, games, fun activities, creative activities, experts and so much more organized for neurodiverse families and neurodivergent individuals. For more information, go to the city page by clicking the button

  • June 16th – 15:00 – 21:00 @Sterrebos
  • For more information, click the city button

ND Pride Den Haag

In The Hague, there is a special program, with speakers, workshops and a flaghoisting organized for neurodiverse families and neurodivergent individuals. For more information, go to the city page by clicking the button

  • June 16th – 13:00 – 15:00 @Social Hub
  • For more information, click the city button

ND Pride Almere

There is a special day of activities on June 15th organized for neurodivergent youth. The Youth Keynote, will also be presented here, by Elijah Delsink (the recording will be released on June 16th) Preparation are underway. For more information, go to the city page by clicking the button

  • June 15th Youth Event
  • June 16th Online Premiere Youth Keynote

ND Pride Achterhoek:

In the Achterhoek, preparations are underway for a webinar “Pride to be different!” for 50 participants by Miranda Meijer of “Het Beeld Denkende Brein“. 

  • Thurday 13 juni from 19.30 till 20.30
  • Zondag 16 juni van 16.00 tot 17.00

ND Pride Amstelveen

There is a special day of sport activities organized for neurodivergent youth and adults, in Netherlands best gym. Preparation are underway. For more information, go to the city page by clicking the button

  • June 16th – 10:30-16:00 at the Bloeiwijzer.
  • For more information, click the city button

ND Pride Enschede

Preparation are underway for a city walk and a picknick, organized in Enschede by the team of Kick-Ass

  • June 16
ND Pride Enschede

ND Pride Breda

10 June: Lecture organized by Avans,

11 June: Workshop organized by Avans,

12 June: Leonies Paradijs organizes for ND kids and their friends, a Pizza Baking party at the Paradijstuin

13 June: Inspirationsession organized by Avans


Nathalie Goethals ND Pride Belgium

ND Pride Vogelenzang

A nature walk is organized in Vogelenzang by Bosw8er

Click the city button to see more information.

  • June 16 – 13:00
Nathalie Goethals ND Pride Belgium

ND Pride Utrecht

Preparation are underway for a Flag Hoisting. More information will follow.

ND Pride Tilburg:  

In Tilburg, the first city in the Netherlands that decided politically to celebrate Neurodiversity Pride, preparations are under way for a flaghoisting and activities.

ND Pride Rotterdam 

Neurodiversity Pride, started in 2018, in Rotterdam. Preparations are underway for a small scale event for government officials. 

ND Pride Hengelo 

In Hengelo, autvinder award winner “Uit Met Autisme”, created by Romano Sandee is organizing a ‘testpanel’ in a theme park. 

ND Pride Maastricht 

In Maastricht, the Neurodiversity Pride Day flag will be hoisted for the 2nd time at June 13th 10.15 at the United World College.

ND Pride Amsterdam 

In Amsterdam, a live event with poetry is organized at the university of Amsterdam.

Support the celebrations, create your own activity!

Find out more about the event

How to celebrate neurodivergent pride? 

Check out other ways to celebrate during Neurodiversity Pride Week

ND Pride 

Neurodiversity Pride Day: 16 June 2024.

Neurodiversiteitsweekend – ND Pride Leiden: 14-16 June.

ND Pride Week: 10-17 June 2024.



Add your activity

Event Calendar (unpublished)


Stride Sports

Gather Presentation Room

Vr Pride Universe

NEA HyHyve 

Neurodiversity Education Academy

Neurodiversity Foundation


ND Pride 2023

ND Pride 2022

ND Pride 2021

ND Pride 2020

ND Pride 2019

ND Pride 2018






Images Pack
