Neurodiverse FamiLIEFDE Acties

Let’s celebrate our neurodivergent familiemembers!

What families can do to create “#FamiLIEFDE” during the ND Pride celebrations in June 2024?

Voor Ouders & Kinderen

Informatie over de dag: Op Neurodiversity Pride Day, elk jaar op 16 juni, vieren we de meerwaarde van neurodiversiteit en de positieve talenten en eigenschappen van neurodivergente mensen. Vier je mee met jouw familie?

Er wordt geschat dat 1 op 5 mensen in Nederland neurodivergent zijn: sowieso in je familie, en waarschijnlijk ook in je eigen gezin. Onder “ND” vallen autisten, adhders en dyslecten, maar er zijn ruim 100 typen ‘bijzondere breinen’ die hierbij horen.

Op deze mooie zondag in juni kun je de kans aangrijpen om iets leuks of extra liefs te doen, om een positieve boodschap van waardering, liefde of trots te geven aan je favoriete neurodivergente familielid.

Iets samen doen? Iets samen bezoeken? Iets liefs doen? Iets zelf doen? Of…… een gave actie van waardering?


Wat kan je doen: Wat kan je doen: Bekijk hieronder de mogelijkheden.

Aangeraden: Doe mee aan de #familiefde stickeractie!

Voor Wie: Voor alle mensen in Nederland met een neurodivergent familielid. Tickets zijn gratis, maar materiaal is beschikbaar zolang de voorraad strekt: vraag ze snel aan!

Door Wie: Neurodiversity Pride Day is een wereldwijd gevierde dag, die in Nederland is begonnen vanuit stichting Neurodiversiteit. De activiteiten voor Nederlandse gezinnen worden georganiseerd en mogelijk gemaakt middels een samenwerking met Landelijke oudervereniging Balans, Mama Vita, Zissou en andere ondersteunende organisaties.

Programma voor families

What families & friends can do to create “FamiLIEFDE” during the ND Pride celebrations in June?

Note: This Event Calendar is under production. Relevant details will be shared before the start of ND Pride Week 2024. 

FamiLIEFDE Sticker Actie

Omdat ze dat verdienen. 

Uitleg Sticker-Actie

Speciaal voor dit jaar, zijn er stickers gemaakt voor ouders/familieleden om hun (ND) “FamiLIEFDE” te laten zien. De stickers zijn gratis te verkrijgen, door te klikken op de button, en je adres achter te laten. Je krijgt dan de stickervellen met de stickers, elk met uitleg erbij van een positieve acties die je ermee kan doen.

Let op:

  • Je kan deze aanvragen tot 1 Juni 2024. Alles worden verzonden in de eerste week van Juni 2024. 
  • Op = Op. Er zijn een gelimiteerd aantal stickerpakketje beschikbaar. Gratis. Bestel ze snel voor je eigen familie.
  • Als je van een organisatie bent die neurodivergenten of neurodiverse families steunt en “veel” nodig hebt om die te delen met anderen; geef dit aan in het formulier.
  • De stickers hieronder zijn onherkenbaar gemaakt…. om het spannend te houden hoe ze eruit zien. 

Other FamiLIEFDE Actions

What families & friends can do to celebrate ND Pride from 10-17 June?


Organize an activity with the Fam

The most fun thing to do, is to organize to do something fun together. Offer options like a walk, a museum visit, a picknick, and allow the ND family member to choose.

Make a Pride collage

Make a photoshoot with your family members showing your pride.


Organize a movie-night or matinee

Make your own home cinema to show your ND related movie picks to your family. 


Go on an adventure

Do an activity that is fun for the ND(s) in your family. Check beforehand, what your favorite neurodivergent would love to do at least once. 


Shower ND Dads with love

Parenting rarely is a easy task. Find a way to shower ND dads with a colossal amount of extra love.


Take a minute to selfreflect: You-time

If you are ND and there is only one thing you do today, the main ritual of the day, is to take a moment, a minute, an hour, to self reflect on what beauty your own neurological differentness brings to the world. What makes you proud to be neurodivergent?

If your loved one is ND, also take a minute, to reflect on what beauty that person brings to your family.


Celebrate the day, your own way

While there are activities you can join, and activities you can do yourself, there are many ways to celebrate. Choose your own way. 


Go to a museum for free

A limited amount of museums in Leiden open their door for free, for neurodivergent people (and fam). Its a pilot program with selected museums, we want to grow this initiative in next years. Check out the ND Pride Leiden page to see which musea participate.

Join in any of the live activities on location

Neurodiversity Pride celebrations spring up from all over the world. Like… in Leiden, Groningen, but perhaps at many more places that are even closer to your family.

See the keynotes of the 7th edition of ND Pride

There will be keynotes from daring pioneers in the ND advocacy field. No tickets required. Look in the Familiefde events calendar below for links.

Do your own NeuroDance!

A 24hours DJ Raid Train created by DJ Neurodivergent DJ’s (Moonwyrm and the Wyrmlings) will be organized. It…. may be intense! Join the dance via your own screen from wherever you are. Do a dance with your fam!

Compliment another neurodivergent

One way to celebrate your favorite neurodivergent(s), is telling them what you like about them! Share a text, voicemessage, mail or phonecall today. While nobody is counting points: Yes, nephews, uncles, brothers and grandpas count for double points today.

How extra love to your (potentially) neurodivergent family members

The 7th edition of ND Pride coincides with Fathers Day. Today may be, a great day to show extra love to your ND kids, or your ND parent(s). 


Hoist a Flag for Neurodiversity Pride

If your house has a flagpole: Hoisting a flag is a great way to celebrate ND Pride. There are special ND Pride flags available in our flagstore, but any other flag may just be as valid. The ritual of the flag hoisting is: when the flag goes up, we think of all other neurodivergents worldwide, and when the flag is hoisted fully, its a memory that diversity make the world more beautiful.

Coming Out: share your Neurodivergent nature with those you love

June may be the best month, coming out for your own neurodivergence to those you love. Perhaps today, may be the day, to tell your family about who you really are.


Go on a lunch together. Give another a compliment, with every bite.


Invite a Parknick

Invite others for a pot-luck style picknick in a park, beach or forest. You may have speakers, but alternatively, you can just meet each other too.


Make photos to remember the day

Make a Family-selfie for ND Pride, a…… Famfie? To share, showing your family pride to others, or …to keep as a memory, just for yourself and your loved ones.

Take your Stride

Whether its a walking march with fun outfits, or a sports feat of excellence, its all welcome today. Due to funding barriers, we’ve had to delay the ND Fam-Marathon around the world another year, but you can race your family, march your own path in outfits, or compete with a 20 meter moonwalk game.



Download the logos

Download the ND Pride logo’s and artwork in the Downloads page


Read about ND Pride Day

Read about Neurodiversity Pride Days at the FAQ page, or visit the pages of the 6 earlier editions.



If your organisation needs more information, send a mail to

Support the celebrations, create your own activity!

Find out more about the event

FamiLIEFDE is bedacht en gemaakt door de teams van:

FamiLIEFDE is mede mogelijk gemaakt door:

How to celebrate neurodivergent pride? 

Check out ways to celebrate during Neurodiversity Pride Week

ND Pride 

ND Pride Week: 10-17 June 2024.

Neurodiversity Pride Day: 16 June 2024. 



Add your activity

Event Calendar (unpublished)


Stride Sports

Gather Presentation Room

Vr Pride Universe

NEA HyHyve 

Neurodiversity Education Academy

Neurodiversity Foundation


ND Pride 2023

ND Pride 2022

ND Pride 2021

ND Pride 2020

ND Pride 2019

ND Pride 2018






Images Pack (unpublished)
